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Reception desks & tables

  ( 90  products )

A good facility is a key element to participate in effective and productive meetings. As well as the good reception of your employees, customers or partners is a central element for your success. That's why Lyreco offers you a complete range of meeting tables and reception desks to enable you to participate in your meetings in an efficient and optimal way.

How to choose a meeting table?

The size of your meeting table is the key point in selecting the table that suits you. As a general rule, a minimum width of 60 cm is considered necessary for each person present around the table. For a matter of comfort, we therefore advise you to consider an available width of 100 cm per person. In order to move around your meeting room, you need a minimum passage of 90cm to 1.5m between the wall and the table.

Good mobility for a meeting makes you active and encourages the production of ideas. And that's what it's all about: making your meetings more dynamic!

The need for more classic meeting spaces is always useful and in demand. Especially for executive committees, video conferences, interviews. Dynamic meetings are used for project management, brainstorming & workshops, team meetings, training sessions.

A central element to welcome your customers!

To choose your reception desk, you must first of all consider the room that will allow you to welcome your clients and the position you wish to adopt. For a more dynamic and interactive welcome, a reception desk requiring a standing position can be adopted. It will allow you to be more interactive with more direct communication. For a reception requiring more administrative formalities and therefore a more comfortable position, you can opt for a seated reception desk which will allow you to be better organised and more comfortable.


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* Price with taxes such as [ecoparticipation] included. The amount and details of the taxes that apply to the product are displayed on the product detail and on the shopping cart.

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