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Introduction Frank Water
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Who We Are

Frank Water is a charity and social enterprise with a single vision: a global water system that can provide everyone, everywhere with access to enough, good-quality water to sustain their livelihoods, protect their health, and unlock their potential, which conserves the environment and, at the same time, maintains peace and political stability.

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What We Do

Frank Water works overseas and in the UK, through their registered charity (Frank Water Projects) and social enterprise (Frank Water CIC). Our work is centred around Sustainable Development Goals 6, 12, and 13, providing access to safe water and sanitation for all; ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, and taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Frank Water Charity raises funds to provide vulnerable communities overseas with long-term access to safe water, sanitation, and good hygiene. The charity partners with other leaders in the WASH (Water and Sanitation, Hygiene) sector to research and develop new technologies and practices and advocates for the change that’s needed for a water-secure world. In the UK, Frank Water’s Education & Awareness Programme educates and empowers people to adopt a more sustainable approach to water.

Frank Water CIC delivers a range of water products and services that generate funds in support of its charitable work but also inspire society to value and protect the world’s most precious resource and engage in the responsible consumption of water. This includes bottled spring water (in glass and aluminium bottles), refill services and hydration solutions for workplaces, the hospitality industry, and events and refill bottles, all of which encourage individuals and companies to engage in responsible consumption, reduce single-use plastic, reuse and refill more.

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Why We Do It

Water is essential to all forms of life and vital in achieving all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Yet safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene remain out of reach for billions of people around the world. In 2022, 2.2bn people lacked safely managed drinking water and 3.5bn lacked safely managed sanitation (UN 2022). 2.4bn people live in water-stressed countries, and as populations grow and the effects of climate change increase, water security is under further threat, with vulnerable communities most at risk.

Since 2005, Frank Water has enabled over 500,000 people to achieve water security but there’s still more to do. It is the organisation’s mission to alleviate global water poverty, enhance health, and protect the natural environment by improving the way that people understand and use water, with a focus on those most in need.

Frank Water’s approach enables the world’s most marginalised communities to achieve water security by providing the technical and financial support they need to manage their water resources, gain access to safe sanitation and maintain good hygiene.

They don’t do this in isolation. Instead, they work with policymakers, planners, and funders to ensure their contribution is a sensible, useful addition to the existing system. By doing this, they can reduce water scarcity, alleviate pressure on global water resources, and improve equitable, sustainable access to safe water and sanitation. Wherever Frank Water can, they make sure their work is scalable to ensure it has maximum impact.

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